Bonnie Staubitz, Director

Bonnie has been working for Wakulla Animal Services for over ten years. She started working as a volunteer in 2010 and has been working here ever since. Her favorite thing about working at Wakulla Animal Services is the difference she helps make in saving the lives of the dogs and cats of Wakulla County.

Her favorite animal is all animals. Her favorite quote: “Saving one animal won’t change the world, but it will change the world for that one animal”.

Kory, Adoption Coordinator

Kory began working at Wakulla Animal Services in the Fall of 2022. She helps run the Wakulla Animal Services Facebook page and loves to share the life changing moments when animals go home with their new families. Her favorite thing about working here? The lives that she helps save!

Her favorite quote is “Among the things in my life I thank God for most is the love he gave me for animals. My Heart would be emptier and life would be less without them.”

Rachelle, Assistant Adoption Coordinator

Rachelle began working at Wakulla Animal Services in the Fall of 2022. She helps Kory and the rest of the staff run the Wakulla Animal Services Facebook page and loves to share the life changing moments when animals go home with their new families. Her favorite thing about working here? The difference that she helps make in these precious animals lives!

Her favorite quote is “We can judge the heart of a man by how he treats animals.”

Walter Class, Senior Animal Control Officer

Walt has over thirteen years of experience working in animal control and has been working with Wakulla Animal Services for the past year. His favorite thing about working at Wakulla Animal Services? The people of Wakulla County!

His favorite animals are definitely the dogs. He brings his rescue dog, Maggie to work with him and she has become the unofficial “Senior Office Dog” and is beloved by staff and visitors alike. His favorite quote is “Be the voice for those who have none.”

Chris Merritt, Animal Control Officer

Chris has been working with Wakulla Animal Services for almost a year, but her love for animals has no limits! Previously employed as a vet tech, her favorite thing about working at Wakulla Animal Services is the ability to do more good for the animals here than she was able to as a vet tech.

She is definitely a cat lover more than a dog lover. Her favorite quote is “Time spent with cats is never wasted.”

Robert Davis, Head Kennel Tech

Robert has been an employee at Wakulla Animal Services for a year, but has been a volunteer for far longer. After retiring and spending hours volunteering daily, Bonnie offered to hire him and he’s been a dedicated employee ever since! Robert is passionate about the hard work that goes into taking care of the animals. When asked what his favorite thing about working here is, his response was, “It’s hard work and I like it.”

Like Bonnie, Robert loves all animals and doesn’t have a favorite. His favorite quote is “When you live for a strong purpose, then hard work isn’t an option. It’s a necessity.”

Daniel Allen, Kennel Tech